VetRx Poultry Remedy chicken medicine provides effective relief and prevention of colds, roup, scaly legs and eye worm, and may be used as a conditioner for show preparations. VetRx Poultry Remedy is appropriate for internal and external applications alike.
- For Show Birds - Place a few drops of solution under one wing, when birds return from shows, keep them separate from the flock for a week, when shanks appear dry, rub a small amount of cold VetRx from the bottle, repeat every 3 days until birds are no longer dry
- For Breeding - Keep 3 quarts of lay mash indoors for a few hours until it reaches room temperature, warm a bottle of VetRx, pour entire bottle into mash and mix well, let stand overnight, next day, put this solution in container with tight lid and let stand for 2 weeks, mix 1 Tablespoon of treated mash, once daily, in feed for every 20 birds
- Dosage/Preparation: Use VetRx warm. Add one teaspoonful to one cup very warm water. Place a few drops of the solution, straight from the bottle, down the throat of the bird at night. Also, rub some warm VetRx from the bottle over head of birds and under wings.
- Directions: Open bird's mouth while turning its head to the side and tilting down so you can see the cleft in the roof of the mouth. Dip a small cotton swab into the warm VetRx. Press swab right into cleft, slowly. Watch for VetRx to come from each side of birds beak and corner of each eye. Clean eyes and rest bird. You may have to repeat treatment 2 or 3 times.